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February 21, 2023
Taking on the Challenges at the End of a Lease

The end of a lease can be a challenging time for any company. As Summit Health in Norwalk, CT., prepared for the end of theirs, they quickly recognized the complexity of the project and the need for an experienced partner to assist with their space transition.

Meyer’s comprehensive Workplace Solutions provided the diversity of services necessary to clean-out and decommission their fourth-floor medical office suite. Over the course of three days, Meyer was on-site disassembling shelving units, nurses’ stations and systems furniture. To fully prepare the space to be turned back over to the landlord, the team also removed all fixtures mounted to the walls and provided patching, skim coating and finish-sanding throughout the entire floor.

Summit Health and the property owner were thrilled with the outcome and the most important aspect of the job was that it was accomplished by the Meyer team with zero disruption to patient care.



Reshoring manufacturing in the Northeast? For now, it’s fits and starts.