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Impact Story
Helping Secure a Biological Services Lab
Impact Story
Helping Secure a Biological Services Lab
University of New Hampshire
Meyer helps the University of New Hampshire move several labs to prepare for construction of new Spaulding Hall facilities.

As the University of New Hampshire (UNH) prepared for a major capital project to renovate the existing facility and construct a new 47,500 square foot addition to its Biological Sciences building, they needed a partner to securely and quickly move several labs filled with high-value equipment along with all the other contents.

The Challenge

With the demolition and construction work due to begin in two weeks, the UNH facilities team needed an experienced partner to securely and rapidly move several labs and offices filled with high-value equipment from the existing Spaulding Hall. The existing Biological Sciences facility had many labs with sensitive materials that required careful handling and relocation.

The Solution

Upon winning the job, Meyer’s team immediately dove into developing a detailed project plan and mobilizing a substantial crew to New Hampshire. The team conducted a detailed pre-move metting led by its experienced Project Manager to tag all the items for organization, easy identification, and efficiency during the move itself. Then, the team packed and wrapped all the equipment, laid down floor and wall protection for the large 3-story building, and Meyer’s installers disassembled the furniture systems to move to other facilities or into storage. To meet the tight construction deadline, the team worked through the weekend, securely transferring 10 truckloads to new locations, and finished the project in time for construction to begin Monday morning.

Meyer’s Impact


“I came to Meyer in a pinch – a date was set to begin the demolition for a major renovation of the life sciences building and we still had several labs and offices to move with two weeks to the start of demolition. Meyer were very helpful in creating an accelerated estimating process, pulling in available crew members from all over the area, and setting up a flexible contract with room for change orders to account for unforeseen work in the weekend leading up to the beginning of demolition. The moving crew helped me put a button on the moving project that had been drawn out through the semester.”

– Adam Carignan P.E. ENV-SP

Project Manager, University of New Hampshire Facilities Project Management

Meyer’s Impact


“I came to Meyer in a pinch – a date was set to begin the demolition for a major renovation of the life sciences building and we still had several labs and offices to move with two weeks to the start of demolition. Meyer were very helpful in creating an accelerated estimating process, pulling in available crew members from all over the area, and setting up a flexible contract with room for change orders to account for unforeseen work in the weekend leading up to the beginning of demolition. The moving crew helped me put a button on the moving project that had been drawn out through the semester.”

– Adam Carignan P.E. ENV-SP

Project Manager, University of New Hampshire Facilities Project Management